About Us

Emerald at the Core

Emeraldinafrica.com is a seller-verified real estate listing platform for commercial and residential real estate developments in Africa. We believe in honest and transparent business practices, and carefully research each seller and property to ensure authenticity. We manually list each property ourselves upon clean results of our verification.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a reliable real estate listing that is built on honest and transparent business practices and processes. We aim to provide buyers with a smart and reliable way of investing in real estate, and increased online exposure for authentic real estate developers in Africa.

Our Story

As a team, we saw a lot of challenges with the existing real estate services available to invest in Kenya, East Africa and Africa as a whole. We found that many US buyers had an interest to invest. However, a lack of sellers’ trust and real estate listing, limited their intentions. We therefore sought to fix this!

Our team has developed a real estate listing that benefits both real estate developers and buyers interested in real estate in Africa. We leverage our networks, skills and different forms of technology to promote our listings. In addition, we carefully research each seller and property before we list them. This has enabled us to provide a smart and reliable real estate listing that we can share with our buyers in the Americas.